Unleash Confidence and Embrace Life Fitness

Mid-life crisis drained your confidence? Feeling unfulfilled & need to regain your self belief? Then consider “get life fit” to learn how you could become physically, mentally & spiritually strong to become the person you're truly destined to be for your family and ultimately yourself.
view_module Modules 5
menu_book Sessions 17

About This Product:

'Get Fit for Life' or 'Get Life Fit'
Are you “Life Fit”? Or are you in your 40s and feel rock bottom?
I know I was the later a few years ago and had to rejuvenate myself to be the son, husband, brother and father my family deserved! 👍🏼
I wasn’t fit for life and found it was 💯miles an hour at times and I just wasn’t up to riding that rollercoaster🎢…
My journey over the last few years to get “Life Fit” was a mix of working on my Mind, Body and Soul - “Holistic Well-being” 🤲🏻 !!!

I'm sharing this because I want to express to you what's possible when you transform.

This course will take you back to basics to re-establish the foundations that help you become the person you deserve to be for your family.
You will be guided through a workshop to discover your values and the reason WHY? because once you have a strong enough WHY! you will always find the drive to change your habits and make the personal transformation
Goals will be achieved by being broken down into small manageable tasks, as the saying goes "how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time" and so i consciously focus in sharing habits that are simple to incorporate without any overwhelm.
Each task will focus on the three foundations for a happy, healthy life covering the three key areas: Mind | Body | Soul.
I'm now fitter, healthier and more confident than I have been for a long time and have been able to do more for my family and also for charities by doing a sponsored swimathon 🏊, triathlon 🏊 🚴 🏃🏻‍♂️ and marathon 🏃🏻‍♂️ which raised over £10,000, all of which were achieved after I made the decision to get my life on track.

So if you're still unsure about this course then all I would ask if not now, then when, if not this then what ?  Whatever your decision I hope you find the transformation you have been looking for to get "Life Fit!"


You’ll learn how to set goals to and build habits that worked for my transformation with tools and techniques that if applied daily can become habits and rituals over time that challenge limiting beliefs, change your mindset that will propel you forward in all aspects of life!

Outline Summary of Key Modules:
  • Find clarity of Mind for the next chapter of YOUR LIFE
  • Have a plan to get your Body in the best shape of your life
  • Establish inner peace for your Soul and a sense of purpose

This course includes 5 modules: 
Module  1 | Foundations | Define YOUR WHY ? | Set Goals | Destiny Delivery Dashboard
  • Session 1 | Welcome to Holistic Well-being
    • TO DO TASK | Video: Watch the video and start the modules in your own time
  • Session 2 | Define your WHY which is the reason and motivation for change
    • TO DO TASK | Goal setting: Define your WHY, set your goals and maintain the Destiny Delivery Dashboard
  • Session 3 | Full Training Material
    • TO DO TASK | Review: Review and reference the training material together with the videos
  • Session 4 | HWB eBook
    • TO DO TASK | Summary eBook for reference purposes
Module 2 | Mind set
  • Session 1 | Hydration | Super hydrate first thing in the morning for body and mental performance 
    • TO DO TASK | Template: Hydration | Water bottle
  • Session 2 | Gratitude | Be thankful for all the positive in your life to improve your self esteem
    • TO DO TASK | Template: Gratitude Journal
  • Session 3 | Meditate | Focus on mindful breathing to be aware of thoughts & feelings which helps to deal with the day ahead
    • TO DO TASK | AUDIO: 4 minute guided mindful meditation and breath work

Module 3 | Body care
  • Session 1 | Exercise | Kick start the day with some cardio activity for energy and sense of achievement
    • TO DO TASK | VIDEO: 10 Minute guided HiiT workout video & Template: Calendar to schedule your days, weeks, months
  • Session 2 | Fast | Intermittent fasting could optimize your health and brain function
    • TO DO TASK | Guidance: My fasting tips
  • Session 3 | Food | Try to be more conscious of what you eat to provide your body with the nutrition it needs
    • TO DO TASK | Guidance: My food tips

Module 4 | Soul enrichment
  • Session 1 | Volunteer | Sign up for a charity run or take on a voluntary role to gain back confidence and manage depression
    • TO DO TASK | Guidance: My volunteering tips
  • Session 2 | Pray | For all the good you have, wish to have and for hope for the best future
    • TO DO TASK | Guidance: My prayer tips 
  • Session 3 | Energy | Find positivity in people and consciously filter out negative feeds
    • TO DO TASK | Guidance: My positive energy and filtering tips

Module 5 | BONUS plus Good Luck & Next Steps 
  • Session 1 | BONUS 10 Minute HiiT workout video
    • TO DO TASK | Exercise: Get into suitable kit and follow the workout and if you feel strong then repeat it for a 20 minute no equipment HiiT
  • Session 2 | Good Luck & Next Steps
    • TO DO TASK | Next Steps: Complimentary 30min coaching discovery 1-2-1 call to find out if I can help further with helping you define, plan and achieve your goals by defining a "Destiny Delivery Dashboard" to be the "best version of YOU" for yourself, your family, your friends and associates
  • Session 3 | Morning Routine
    • TO DO TASK | Morning Routine: Try to create new rituals in the morning
  • Session 4 | Evening Routine
    • TO DO TASK | Evening Routine: Try to create new rituals in the evening

Who’s behind it?
My name is Assim Khokhar, and I'm an everyday family man, happily married since 1999 to my most amazing wife and soul mate with 4 beautiful children and an adorable cat.

I was in my mid-40s and I wouldn’t call it a mid-life crisis because I’ve always tried to be quite balanced through life, but around that moment things got too much and I hit a low point which caused me some well-being issues in my mental and physical state.

My confidence was low after a career transition and I needed to re-skill, re-train, re-fresh myself.  I managed to find a way to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled than ever before and am proud to be living a life full of value. 
So I stepped back for reflection and realised I needed to make changes to get myself back on track to take my life to the next level, to re-gain my confidence and to live a more fulfilling life.

Today I am a stronger person because made some changes and became the man my family deserve.

I also began to understand the meaning of "life happens for us and not to us" and so I have gained a level of resilience and assurance that feels unstoppable regardless of what comes my way; there will always be something even better for me at the end of the journey.

I look forward to welcoming you on the journey to finding your MOJO; rejuvenation for life and to get "Life Fit!".

The depicted experience is not typical. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Individuals do not track the typicality of its student's experiences. Your results may vary.

The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen,
lifestyle, and/or mental health care.

Program Details

Session 1 | Welcome to Holistic Well-being
Available Now
Session  2 | Your WHY | Goals | Destiny Delivery Dashboard
Available Now
Session 3 | Full Training Materials with References
Available Now
Session 4 | HWB eBook
Available Now

Session 1 | Hydration | Super hydrate first thing in the morning for body and mental performance
Available Now
Session 2 | Gratitude | Be thankful for all the positive in your life to improve your self esteem
Available Now
Session 3 | Meditate | Focus on mindful breathing to be aware of thoughts to deal with the day ahead
Available Now

Session 1 | Exercise | Kick start the day with cardio for energy & sense of achievement
Available Now
Session 2 | Fast | Intermittent fasting could optimize your health and brain function
Available Now
Session 3 | Food | Try to be more conscious of what you eat with the nutrition it needs
Available Now

Session 1 | Volunteer | Sign up for a charity/voluntary role to gain confidence & manage depression
Available Now
Session 2 | Pray | For all the good you have, wish to have and for hope for the best future
Available Now
Session 3 | Energy | Find positivity in people and consciously filter out negative feeds
Available Now

Session 1 | BONUS 10 minute HiiT
Available Now
Session 2 | Good Luck & Next steps
Available Now
Session 3 | Morning Routine
Available Now
Session 4 | Evening routine
Available Now

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Assim Khokhar

Mindset Coach for an AI Future
See Full Biography >

I've been pivoting into Coaching for the last few years thanks to Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi.

The reality is that I have been coaching most of my life; friends and family.

If you want an unstoppable mindset for the new world and want a life filled with vitality then reach out.

"Live with Passion!"

Take care, stay safe & God bless. 

Kind regards, 


See Short Biography >

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